Longman Cup match 31st May 2024

After a long journey to Kington Langley for our first round Longman Cup match (national AC handicap competition) the sun shone as we got underway at 10:15am.  Games were timed at 3 hours to enable Bernie to be finished in time to catch a train to Bangor at 6pm.  John Gosden and Tim Dutton got away to a good early lead in the doubles, but judicious use of their two bisques and two excellent breaks of 7 and 8 hoops enabled our opponents to win.  At this point Ian Fugeman was clawing his way back to a narrow lead but Bernie Phillips was several hoops behind.  In the turn where time was called Bernie made a good break to take the lead and win by three hoops.  2-1 to Guildford & Godalming at lunch.

After an excellent lunch of home-made quiche and raspberry and almond tart the afternoon singles got underway.  John lost his game in two hours with his opponent continuing his reliable break control from the morning.  Bernie was well ahead in his game while Ian was well behind.  Tim’s match was very close but he managed to maintain a one or two hoop lead.  After his opponent had spent his bisques, Tim forged ahead to win comfortably, closely followed by Bernie.  As is his wont, Ian recovered late in the game and had a chance to move ahead in his final turn but just fell short, losing by two hoops.  The overall result was 4-3 to Guildford & Godalming, giving us revenge for losing to Kington Langley by the same score in the second round last year.  Well done and thanks to all of the team.