Last Saturday morning members gathered at the club house for the first “bacon butty” social. After chatting and enjoying breakfast, the presentation of awards for the winter competitions were distributed by Andrea Huxley.
Winners were:
- Golf Handicap Winter League 7+: Frankie Lea
- Golf Handicap Winter League -6: Graham Lamcraft
- Golf Level Winter League: Douglas Shand
- Golf Doubles Winter League: Wendy and Andrew Lockwood
- AC Winter League: Peter Adams
After the awards were presented members took advantage of the dry weather, and took to the lawns. All four lawns were in use playing short, association and golf croquet.
As there were many able bodied croquet members present, a team was put together by Andrew Jackson, comprising of Andrew Lockwood, Phil Tremble, Julie Tremble, Ian Taylor and Vernon Salt, to install the new memorial bench. The bench was donated to the club by the family of Barry Gould. Barry was a loyal and active member of the club for many years. The club wishes to thank Barry’s family for this generous and fitting donation.
The “bacon butty” social was deemed a success and we plan to have more in the future.