Friday 5th April saw 12 members preparing to do battle in our qualifying round of the annual national competition . This year the nominated charity is British Heart Foundation, so all participants were encouraged to wear something red, and to bring a donation for BHF.
The weather was kind to us although the wind presented a challenge to both the players and their accuracy (excellent excuse!).
Split into 2 blocks of 6, all play all, most of us had completed 4 games before lunch. After lunch the remaining block games were played, and then each person played their opposite number in the other block , that is 1st v 1st, 2nd v 2nd and so on.
Despite several previous winners taking part, it was “new boy” Richard Perkins who won, beating previous 2-time winner Anthony Tutt, 13-8. Congratulations Richard – even though you forgot to wear red !
Special thanks to Tim Dutton for agreeing to play at the last minute, thus evening up the number of participants. Also to Peter Adams for his excellent organisation as player/manager.
The club was able to donate over £100 to BHF, and Richard will represent us at the Finals in Surbiton in May.